ia kutateladze

Year : 2023
Materials : 
Raw Black and Natural Pearls.

Size  :  H33,5"   W18" - 20"    D24"    ( H85   W46-50   D60 cm )


Ia Kutateladze is a Georgian multidisciplinary Designer and Artist based in Berlin. Born in Tbilisi, Georgia, she studied Interior and Product Design in Italy. Since 2016, she lives and works in Berlin. From 2019, has opened her own studio where different mediums of Design and Craft are merged together with experimentation, playfulness and fascination for diverse materials and intuitive creative processes. Her work centers around Interplay between shapes, materials, textures and their unrestricted intimate interaction between each other. 

This piece is about the first fact that the Artist remembers about herself. For three days after her birth, she was not with her mother. When they were reunited, she did not drink her milk anymore. So, she fed all the other children, whose mothers didn’t have sufficient milk of their own. 

Category : Unique Works


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